Dial-A-Ride offers origin to destination service through prior reservations.
Persons with disabilities with or without ADA Certification and persons who are 60 years of age and older.
General Public (on a space available basis)
Service Hours
6:25am - 7:25pm
11:00am - 4:00pm
Pick-up Windows
When you call for service, you are given a 30 minute period as an approximate pick up time. Please be ready 15 minutes prior to your stated travel time and up to 15 minutes after, this constitutes the 30 minute window. While we make every effort to deliver you to your destination quickly, you may share the bus with other riders who are going in the same general direction.
To make reservations, or for more information regarding the Dial-A-Ride Service, please call the Transit Office at 532-0404. Have the following information ready:
your name
where you want to be picked up
where you want to go
when you want to arrive
the number of people in your party
if a wheelchair lift is needed
Reservations should be made at least one day in advance. Same day service may be accommodated on a space available basis only.