Free transportation to the Mothers Day Parade/Rodeo this weekend.
Tuolumne County Transit will have FREE transportation available to everyone that decides to park at the Sonora Junction Shopping Center. Parking is a major hassle during Parade/Rodeo weekend so we suggest leaving the car in The Junction and catching a ride with us! The bus will pick up outside TJ Maxx starting at 8:30am and drop off at the intersection of Lyons Bald Mt Rd. and Stewart St. Buses will make continuous loops until 11:00am.
Buses will resume service at 12:30pm from Lyons and Stewart back to the Junction and then to the Fair Grounds until 3:00pm. Starting at 3:45 buses will start to bring people back to the Junction from the Fairgrounds until 6:30pm.
We hope everyone has a fun and safe Mothers Day weekend!
For more information please call 209.532.0404