TCTA Meeting Agenda for March 8, 2017Agenda Background InformationItem 2 - Meeting Minutes of February 8, 2017Item 3 - Letter of Support to YARTS for FLAP funds Item 4 - Letter to Sonora asking for red curb zone on Washington Street for YARTS and SkiBus Item 5 - Progress Report on new Transit Facility Item 6 - Draft Marketing Contract with Cole Video Item 7 - FY16/17 Mid Year Budget Item 8 - Res. 36-17 approving Purchasing Policies for the TCTAReports - No Attachments
Agenda Background InformationItem 2 - Meeting Minutes of February 8, 2017Item 3 - Letter of Support to YARTS for FLAP funds Item 4 - Letter to Sonora asking for red curb zone on Washington Street for YARTS and SkiBus Item 5 - Progress Report on new Transit Facility Item 6 - Draft Marketing Contract with Cole Video Item 7 - FY16/17 Mid Year Budget Item 8 - Res. 36-17 approving Purchasing Policies for the TCTAReports - No Attachments
Groveland Columbia Express will be on limited service staring next week on 11/25. See image for details.
Groveland Columbia Express will be on limited service staring next week on 11/25. See image for details.